How to correct an experimental data in my published paper ?

A minimum of 4-6 days are required for review after paper submission.

How do I submit the paper ?

The researcher needs to email the paper to submit@ijitam.org . Editorial support staffs shall acknowledge the receipt of the manuscript within 24 hours. Detailed information is available in the Call for Paper page.

Time for receiving notification after paper submission.

A minimum of 4-6 days are required for review after paper submission. If you don’t get notification within 7days then send mail to editor@ijitam.org.

What is the minimum number of pages?

There is no limitation on pages, but you have to pay extra charges after 10 pages.

When you have to submit the paper?

After getting the acceptance notification you have to submit scanned copyright and notification.

Print Copy

How do I buy the IJITAM journal print ?

A print on demand option is available.

What is the available version for IJITAM?

Only online version is available.

Conference Proceedings

How can we publish our conference proceedings with IJITAM ?

The conference organizers should email a request to editor@IJITAM.org . The conference shall be evaluated by IJITAM advisory panels. Once approval is granted by the panel, the conference organizers shall be asked to submit the conference proceedings with IJITAM. The proceedings shall be published and available in both print and online versions.

Is publication of conference free-of-cost ?

Publication of conference proceedings is a free-of-cost IJITAM service to the scientific community furthering the journal's mission to preserve and disseminate scientific knowledge.